Cheska Garcia and husband Doug Kramer see how crucial it is to shape their children's understanding of validation and self-worth, especially in the era of digital media.

The celebrity couple discussed the challenges of parenting during their press conference for Mr. DIY on May 15, 2023.

Cheska acknowledged the prevalence of children being consumed by gadgets and seeking validation through likes and comments on social media.

To counter this, Cheska constantly reminds her children—Kendra, 13; Scarlett, 11; and Gavin, 10—that their validation should not come solely from external sources.

She said, "Everybody knows that all of our kids are always under gadgets, and we also hear stories where kids are always running after likes, comments, and they always like to hear all these validations.

"So I always tell my children, your validation doesn't come from the likes and comments of those who follow you.

"Yes, you can feel thankful that they see you that way, but you're not everybody's cup of tea. And that shouldn't affect you.

"You should remember who you are, where you get your validation from. It's from your parents."

Cheska added, "Also from knowing that the Lord made you fearfully and wonderfully. And so I always remind my children that, 'Know who your anchors are.'

"And, 'For those that don't like you, that shouldn't change who you are.' Because if you're a good person, you're a good person no matter what.

"It shouldn't be a conditional thing. So that's what I always tell them."

PHOTO: @chekakramer on Instagram


Kendra, Scarlett, and Gavin also shared the valuable life lessons they have learned from their parents.

One important lesson Kendra learned from her mom is the importance of showing kindness unconditionally, regardless of how others may treat her.

Kendra told the press, "I learned what mommy said. She always repeats it to me. She said to me that being kind is not conditional and that you're supposed to be kind to everyone, regardless of how they treat you.

"And there's this verse in the Bible that says, treat others the way you want to be treated. So I carry that everywhere I go, and I use it every time as well."

Scarlett, on the other hand, learned to focus on the love and support of those who truly matter in her life.

Scarlett said, "What I learned from mommy and daddy is that there is a lot of people that will not really like you.

"So you have to focus on the people that love you or like you because they're the ones that truly matter."

Meanwhile, Gavin has learned to understand the significance of loving one's enemies, even in the face of hatred.

The young Kramer said, "I learned from my mommy and daddy is to always love your enemies. Even if they hate you so much, you still have to pray for them."

Cheska and Doug couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as they listened to these valuable lessons from their children.

Doug, in particular, emphasized the importance of setting a positive example and devoting quality time to their children as a deliberate approach to instilling these values.

He said, "As parents, we're very intentional in spending time [with them] as husband and wife, which the kids have to see. We model that.

"And at the same time, the time that we spend with each of them and as a family. Without this kind of time, it's hard to discipline, it's hard to show love.

"But for us, it's quantity and quality of time with them. And that's the biggest lesson that I think we can impart with them."


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